Friday 4 January 2008

Logs are sent

1and1 requested that logs on my server be resent to them as they had LOST them. I was also given a heap load of excuses that 1st line support think that rebooting a server is a valid solution for a problem...........

Everyone at 1and1 is ignoring the problem and nobody cares........ Eventually I request that the hardware be tested and and 1and1 request authorisation....

I gave authorisation on 27th Decemebr 2007 and yet the server wasn't checked until 3rd January 2008!!!! Surprise, surpise no faults are found, and yet nobody at 1and1 thinks it is strange that the server has to be rebooted for me to get access...

1and1 also don't think it is strange for the serial console to stop working....

This either means they set very low expectations for their network, of the calibre of people 1and1 employ is incredibly low and of very poor quality....

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