Thursday 20 December 2007

Bu**er it's Christmas

Well as there was no surpise really- I got no response and started doing some digging around. It would appear on a number of newsgroups that the SOFTLOCK error on the CPU was caused by a bug in the Fedora Core 6 image that 1and1 were installing on the servers.

As I doubted that I would get a response, eventhough the support contract does actually cover bank Holidays - Christmas Included, I decided to re-image the server........

Considering 1and1 can see when your server is rebooted and re-imaged, it was incredibly annoying to then receive this message from 1and1:

"Thank you for contacting us.
We have checked your issue then tried to ping your server here in our end and it is responding. Can you try to reboot your server into normal mode then access again serial console.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
H***** A*** F*****
Technical Support
1&1 Internet"

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